Internal Medicine Consultation
When was the last time you scheduled a routine doctor’s appointment? If it’s been more than a year, you may want to consider investing in an internal medicine consultation. This routine screening procedure can provide critical insights about your health and general well-being. At Coastal Medical Group in Webster and Houston, Texas, the team proudly offers internal medicine consultations to both men and women. To request your appointment, call the office nearest you or click the online booking tool today.
Internal Medicine Consultation Q & A
An internal medicine consultation is a type of doctor’s appointment tailored to your individual needs and health concerns.
During an internal medicine consultation, your Coastal Medical Group provider does a physical exam, reviews your medical history, asks you a series of questions about your health, and conducts a series of preventive screenings.
After gathering all of this information, your doctor develops a lifestyle plan focused on preserving your good health and improving your quality of life.
At Coastal Medical Group, the team regularly performs internal medicine consultations. These appointments include:
Comprehensive lab testing involves your Coastal Medical Group provider taking a series of blood samples to test your cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and thyroid hormone levels.
Your doctor also takes your blood pressure and temperature. Your doctor uses the results of these tests to determine your risk of specific health problems, including heart disease, thyroid disease, and diabetes.
Prostate cancer screening is a preventive measure used to determine a man’s risk of prostate cancer. The team at Coastal Medical Group recommends all men 50 or over participate in prostate cancer screening at least once each year.
Breast cancer screening is a preventive measure used to determine a woman’s risk of breast cancer. During a breast cancer screening, your Coastal Medical Group provider feels your breasts for any unusual growths or lumps. Depending on your family history, they might also recommend a mammogram.
Vitamin deficiency testing works to pinpoint vitamin deficiencies. If you’re deficient in certain vitamins, such as vitamin D, you’re also more likely to feel fatigued and develop chronic health problems. If you’re vitamin deficient, your Coastal Medical Group provider can recommend supplements to restore your health and balance.
An internal medicine consultation also presents an opportunity to update your vaccines and immunizations. Investing in regular vaccinations is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your health, the health of your family, and the community around you.
No two internal medicine consultations are exactly alike. Your Coastal Medical Group provider tailors your consultation to your health history, individual needs, and concerns.
Even if you’re relatively healthy, an internal medicine consultation can provide you with recommendations and insights that make your life even better.
Request your internal medicine consultation today by calling the office nearest you or by clicking the online booking tool.